

Recently I’ve been practicing meditation, and it never ceases to amaze me how much clarity and confidence it can restore. I find that it’s so easy to get caught up in the common stress and pressures of life, that those problems begin to grow and morph into giant obstacles and roadblocks that wear you down to a bundle of anxieties. But there’s something about taking a few moments to centre yourself on your body and your breathing that puts those morphed obstacles back into perspective. In yoga, my teacher has us visualize each intake of breath as positive energy flowing through us, and as we breathe out, we are expelling all negative energy and thoughts from our conscience and our spirit. The effect it has is one of grounding and lucidity. Also, my Minister has taken to leading a period of guided meditation during my church services, where he associates prayer with each intake and exhale of breath. Both takes on meditation achieve an extremely restorative spiritual experience, and moments of clarity in a world where they’re hard to come by. After meditation, I often think; if more people did this regularly, we could cut back on over half of all aggression and animosity in our world. It’s almost impossible to hold on to hatred and anger throughout a period of effective meditation. I’d recommend it to anyone and everyone. It might take awhile to be able to clear your head of all outside thoughts, some of you may have doubts on the true effectiveness of meditation, but I encourage you to try it out. It’s not just for monks in robes and humming ‘Om’, it can be beneficial for everyone.

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