Breathe with your piano, soul gaze with your cat.


Worries grow. It’s their nature. They’re not vindictive, they’re not spiteful: they’re just natural. But as they grow, they cloud reality. They fill your vision and encase your thoughts, unraveling your emotions and preying on your sanity. Some are more susceptible to them than others: some will allow them in, while others are seemingly immune. Who’s to say why they target some more than others; why they affect a few and not all. But they aren’t as large as they seem. That’s easy to forget. But it’s in the simple moments where you remember. Soaring with a bird, breathing with your piano, soul gazing with your cat. Entirely subtle experiences with astounding power because of it. Find those experiences . Don’t look far, because they’re here, surrounding you constantly. And out of the subtlty will come clarity. And the worries, as large and as crushing as they were, will reveal themselves as unimportant. I need to remind myself of that.

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