Thinking About Human Nature..


Mulling over the question: “Do you perform good deeds to make yourself feel better, or to make others feel better?”

I think that for a deed to be truly good as the question states, then it would have to be done to make others feel better. If serving others was done only so that it could serve yourself, then the deed would not truly be good since it was not done with pure intentions. Therefore, when a good deed is done to selflessly help another, the resulting good feeling is simply a bi-product – one that is happily met, but one that is not necessary for the good deed to have been committed.

Of course, that argument only stands under the belief that there is in fact such a thing as a ‘purely good deed’. And that is based on one’s belief on the innate nature of human kind. And so, this is one of the questions that can never truly be answered non- biasedly or with one determining truth.

Philosophy stuff.


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