Tuna Fish Eulogy


I find the sheer concept of a person being able to transform themselves into an entirely new self to be completely ethereal, astounding and beautiful to watch. Yes. It’s another Tuna Fish Eulogy post, but they deserve every single one of them. From the moment the lights turned on the stage in the darkened library of WO, shivers raced up my spine. It was an incredibly moving depiction of the life of a young boy and his mother and the mystery around his tragic death. The plot in itself was unique and thought-inspiring, but it was the actors themselves that brought it to life and gave it it’s true effectiveness. By the end I was left dazed as if abruptly having to exit out of a completely different world, as were many of the cast, and I guess in a way, we did. I think the effectiveness of a play should be judged by the effect it has on the audience, and in this case I know everyone will agree that It was terrific.

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