The Sympathy of the Motherboard


The systems’ wires are becoming extensive,

Reaching, encircling, strangling independence,

Tying legs and numbing perspective.


Electrocution of the mind.

Yet it knows we’re hooked.


Its illusions and implications are all that’s been needed

For the collapse of a wavering mind.

What will we find?

What will we find?


When we look behind the shield of an unsympathetic screen,

As its life withers and sparks and shatters to death,

The life that sustained us and built up inside us


What will veiled eyes see when the screens go blank?

When the buzzing dies and the life fades through blackened wires,

What will we find?

What will we find?


Yet it knows we’re hooked.


Longing in withdrawal we stumble through the wreckage

Of actions influenced by influenced minds,

How long ‘till we reach the end of our leash?

When Habit whispers to answer the pull of the motherboard

Convincing us that it’s inescapable.


What will we find when we look behind the shield of an unsympathetic screen?

What will we find?

What will we find?


And wading through the aftermath humanity screams:

You trained me to need you.

You trained me to need you.


Yet sickly and obediently,

Making our own chains,

We did this to ourselves.

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