The Wires


A vacant highway, and you’re there, and they’re gone.

But the numbness is there. You’re not alone, you’ve got that. You’ve got the numbness.

The cold realization that you’ve got no feeling; the burning inferno of a hypothermic heart.

But you can’t feel that. You can’t feel it burn.

So you melt in it. Melt unconsciously.

While you sit idly, slack jawed and hardly moving, while it melts you.

While your fingers slip, your eyes drip, your skin slides away.

You’re a case, an empty suitcase they left on the line,

Of already gone suitcases at the airport.

Running the cycle over and over because no one is coming,

The contents aren’t filling,

They never did.

Because you’re empty. The luggage bag that spins, and rides, and just, goes, on.




It’s a heart.

Why do they stare at it like that?

It’s a heart.

It’s open and bloody and the holes are infecting

But it’s a heart.

So why do they stare?

It’s probably got something to do with wires.

With the pulling and unplugging of wires,

With the electrocution of kids and the safety plugs.

I don’t know why,

But it’s probably got something to do with that.

Maybe it’s the way the current just never…


It’s a flow, a constant, incendiary flow that you can always count on

To kill the children

That get too close.

Too close to the wires.

I just think it’s got to be connected to that.

Life, I mean.

Because it’s nothing alike.

It’s nothing like those wires.

Sure it’s cold, and hot, and alive.

But constant? It’s not that.

You can’t count on life to kill children.

It will, and they’ll all be screaming, and crying and hating and dying,

But not always.

Sometimes they live.

Sometimes they’ll get old and they’ll watch it.

The sun, I mean.

They’ll watch the sun, and wonder where the wire is

The one they don’t have the cord to

Wonder when the fuse will blow.

‘Cause there’s no safety plugs for life.

Just a control panel

And switches that flick on

And on and off

Then off

And off



No, there’s no safety plugs to life.

Just wires.

Open , uncovered wires.

Over a lake

Of radioactive water.

I don’t know why,

But I think it has something to do with that.

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