Hello, you

Hello, you

Hello my few remaining followers ❤ I’ve been away for a very long time and not giving you the attention you deserve at all, but tonight I’ve written a poem for you all and I hope you enjoy it ❤

Hello, You – By Ali Carroll


Scent of you:

Scent of new and scent of old.


Thinking of you, I paste my lips

Against the envelope of letters home.

Ink sinks into me as it sinks into pulp,

And I breathe your notes just as I read them,

Flipping through nostalgia.


Twisted in memory the feel of water,

The smell of chlorine in tousled hair.

I remember it as I pass by doors,

Open doors of public pools,

I remember summer.


Summer days of sand and sea,

A beach of waving wind and sodden towels,

Picnic baskets with the smell of bread,

I open the bottle and breathe in sun.


There’s no space between then and now.


I remember the burial when I smell the earth,

Upturned earth on polished wood.

The casket smelled of varnished stain,

But the wind smelled sweet and warm.


Fluttering lillies on the arm of your mother,

They kissed you, caressed you and took you home.


It’s funny,

That a single drop of men’s cologne

Can break your heart with its static jolt,

Yet bring back to life what’s long been gone:




You make your home in the hollows of my synapses.

You’re in my nose, my hands, my fading eyes,

Ingrained in me with the sun and the beach,

With the chlorinated waft of heated pools,

And the quiet rake of a stippled beard.


I eat your memory on a salivated tongue.


I know you’re not here anymore,

But I like to think of you.


Inside morning coffee brewed past done,

Inside jean and ballcap oiled hair,

Inside fall and dust and musky leaves,


I like to think,


That all those little sparkling reminders,


Are you inside me saying hello.


Hello, you.


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